Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Fantastic Friday will be at the church from 5:oo pm to 9:00 pm.  Soup and bread will be provided.  We will also have a cake pop demonstration.  Below are the projects being provided.  Please sign up by printing out a form from the email and give it to Raquel Bushman or Jill Alley.  You may also call them with the info if you prefer.  All orders need to be in by Oct. 18th.   If you have any questions contact Raquel Bushman or Jill Alley.

Chunky Wood Project

Thanks - $26
Joy - $24

This project requires painting, sanding and staining.


Word Blocks

Harvest, Believe and Let it Snow

Each set of blocks is $15. If you are using the back of these blocks then the next set of papers and letters is $6.


Fall Table Runner

Price - $20

We will be getting together before this night to sew the base together. We will work on the applique  this night and get together once again to bind it.


Antique Temple Block

Price - $6.00

12x12 block of wood. Choose your temple. We will provide black paint, mod podge, the temple, a piece of scrapbook paper and ribbon. Bring your own paint, paper and ribbon if you want a different color.


Picture Board

Price -$14

Vinyl options: My Favorite Things, Family, Friends or a name (first or last)
Vinyl colors: black or cream

All we will do this night is put the glaze on the statue.  They will be fired later and returned.



Price - $6

Pendant options: 1x1 or 1x2


Set of Cards

Price $4.75

Set includes 5 cards

Corn Tassle Wreath

Price - $2
Instructions: Gather 8 bunches of corn tassel. Make sure there is 10-12 stems in each bunch (can secure with rubber band or string). Cut stems just above the second leaf on stalk. Peel off first leaf. Place in large garbage bag and bring with you to Fantastic Friday. We will provide the metal rings and wreath machine to assemble your wreath. We will also have some orange safflower there to add to the wreath but feel free to bring ribbon or anything else you may want to add to your wreath. Contact DeeAnn with any questions 755-0310.

Cake Pops
Free demonstration


Friendship Braclets

Materials will be provided for friendship braclets free of charge.  There is no need to sign up.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for doing this! Wow! I am blown away with all you do Jennifer!
